Lighten Up

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 

I will change the way I'm preparing—
For travel. I'm hereby declaring:
To gently take heed,
Of what I most need.
The franticness mindset repairing!

Do you get caught aiming for “perfection?”

Bob and I are on our way to TX.
By the time you and I "meet" next week,
I'll be riding some bicycle outside.

True to my usual pattern,
I'm scrambling to gather up all
Loose threads in my life.
Surely, they need to be dealt with...
Woven together,
Tied up, put away.

I have stopped to tell myself
"These Loose Threads are part of my every day.
I function well enough with them
'Draped' over my mind, home, activities.

"Why must they be perfectly dealt with
In order to be away for a while?"


Message here is
"Lighten Up."

In Texas, we’re expecting milder temps.
(I'm not declaring "warmth.”)

Out of what we've read about current conditions,
Packing clothing is all about
Layers... and layers.
Add a couple of options for
Showing up happy & civilized.
That's it!

Bike clothes layered too.
Those rain pants,
The high-viz windbreaker,
All work on and off bicycle.

I'm figuring out how to have a bike there.
One that works for me, one I can access daily,
So I can determine ride times
Based on weather temps and especially on  

You've had the experience of
Wind getting stronger as day progresses?
I want to be able to ride early
At least-wind time.

Something will work well for me.
I've several info-gathering phone calls
In process or done.
Good enough!

May you gently deal with "Threads,"
Or calmly let them go.


Bike shirt options

My Eagle Creek travel organizers

Decisions—Which to pack?

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Muriel Hachfeld - January 29, 2025

Have a wonderful time in Texas, Lin… and Bob. We will miss you in the North… Northfield.


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