Life Learning
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Do your expectations stifle fresh learning?
Learning and Learning;
That’s Life.
I was nervous.
Eager for two Grans and their Mom,
Coming to spend weekend here.
Several years have passed since last visit.
With the first crop of Grans,
We lived in a big house with attic.
Also had barn with an attic for clubhouse.
Enough borrowed bikes for riding
To Northfield destinations.
Perfect for visiting youngsters.
Feed them meals,
Stay informed of locations,
Bedtime story read by Bob.
Now our place is perfect for
Bob and Lin in this life stage.
For current young Grans,
Not the easy-flow place of early years.
GramaLin feeling unsure about
How to make the visit fun,
I felt awkward first evening….
What to talk about …
Do we play something? Or?
Later, when I was headed to bed,
I was thinking, Why is it hard?
Do I have expectations for this time?
You can guess the answer.
Yep, I do.
Okay, Let them go.
That’s HARD for me to do
With any sort of “Gentle Kindness.”
It’s more like I Ditch any Attempt.
I did hear my harsh thoughts.
With real effort, I got to
Rewinding back … Letting Go.
Our next day was not at all my plan.
It just sort of evolved.
To end our day,
We made up a story with each person
Telling a few lines to move plot forward.
Turned into a crazy, funny tale that brought
Giggles, then gales of shared laughter.
I had a very good time this weekend.,
And relearned that expectations
Can stifle what might show up.
It’s one of those learning times
That keeps showing up for me.
I think I recognize it sooner
And make space for something
Even better.
Here’s to Learning.
I hope I’m promoting a good time,
That creates a memory sublime.
With visit that flows,
Who knows where it goes?
Most likely connection that is prime.