Letting Go
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Having the privilege of being present
As belongings of a loved family member
Are sorted, distributed, held close...
Is to experience vast variety of emotions.
We have cried, railed, fretted, laughed.
How to balance?
Does passing on, even gifting on
Erase evidence of a wonderful person?
Does the clearing open more heart-space
For memories, as physical space opens?
What saved treasures
Bring delight?
No answers here.
Every person's experience is their own.
Universal is the heart's pain and joy.
May you notice your moments,
May you share treasures.
The task you envision when you start,
Clear closet, containers, and shelf of art.
You find that your plans,
To work with your hands,
Shift over to working with your heart.