Lesson From Sand Hill Cranes
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Have you wrestled with the mysteries
Of communication?
I have … and I do.
My answers sometimes come
In surprising ways.
Today I headed out for bike ride.
Feeling Grumpy-to-the-MAX,
I was hoping to lose that in the pedaling.
Not happening.
I saw four big birds in the sky.
I heard them first—squawking.
Sand Hill Cranes squawking to each other
Making plans to land in nearby open field.
Down they came!
Ungainly landing on long legs.
Standing, pausing to adjust, then
Stately, walking together across field.
They must have been communicating.
Validating the planned landing.
Of course, I am reading
My own life into watching the cranes.
What if I make sure to communicate
With my task/journey mates?
What if I put out my words,
Even if they sound like squawking
Before I finally get to the talking.
What if sharing my talk/squawk
Is validating the journey we’re on together,
Even when it’s hard?
Pausing to adjust after ungainly encounters,
Walking on together—
I think I have a lesson from Sand Hill Cranes!
Sometime when you have trouble talking,
Try opening up with your squawking.
It could be a chance
For words that enhance
Your having shared talking and walking.