Leaving for the Tour
Tomorrow: Tour De Wyoming!
Saturday, July 17, 2016
Drove from Centennial to Sheridan, WY
We are registered!
We have route sheets!
We have white hoodies
Touting twenty years of the "Tour."
Bob and I,
Elizabeth Williams from Laramie, Bob's niece;
We three are tucked into motel,
Grateful for beds, hot water, shelter from wind.
Picnicked in Casper,
Picnicked in Sheridan in front of motel room,
Soon to find DQ,
On way to orientation meeting.
Yippee ! Skippee!
Hugs to each of you,

Ready to roll!: Elizabeth Williams and Lin Bruce (Elizabeth is 15 years (?) younger than our daughter Lindy--If you know Lindy, you'll see their resemblance, minus those years, is remarkable)

Bob Bruce with neice Elizabeth Williams in Laramie, WY

Getting bikes locked and loaded (not totally simple)

Lin and Elizabeth flanking Tour Director: Amber