Leaning into Shifts
Wednesday, May 17th, 2023
His “sighting” occurred quite benignly,
It turned out to be quite untimely.
“Oh, look at that bird!”
The next thing I heard,
Was Bob having landed supinely.
Are you using these shifts in daily life?
I have been leaning heavily into some of
My Shifts.
Get Help.
Connect with others.
Find Humor in the Hard Stuff.
Each has been critical/ helpful
As Bob and I have navigated
Bob’s fall from his bike while on Root River Trail.
The fall results seemed relatively minor.
Painful yet manageable.
Those “minor” bangs and hurts
Evolved into more a serious medical condition.
Fortunately Mayo Clinic Trauma unit
Well equipped to get Bob’s recovery
Moving toward healing.
Now we are home,
On path of recuperation.
We can tell that “Patience” is
Big-Time requirement.
Getting help.
Connecting with others.
Being driven to clinic when my
Mental state was too frantic for safe driving.
Having listeners, calm, unhurried, present,
Show up to hear my anxious distress.
Precious help and connections are invaluable.
Finding Humor in the Hard Stuff—
Hmmm—in them moment, that is hard.
After the fact, I can see “unlikely-laughs.”
My raucous laughing drains away tension.
Writing today’s limerick is a start.
No biking right now.
That will come.

Photo by Scott Bruce