How is November Landing for You?

Natural season changes coming soon,
I’m resisting.
Positive possibilities haven’t yet grabbed me.
In that way, I’m sort of a “Grump-Slump”.
Have you ever been in that spot?

Yet, on the other side of my thinking,
I’m in touch with friends, loved ones,
Who are authentic in connecting with me.

Wednesday coffee group which has met for
At least 35 years of shared concerns —
Family and community.

Another group of women sticking together
To listen, support, laugh, acknowledge,
Our decades of friendship.

Surely the slump of seasonal changes,
Will even out and brighten up.
My perspective will match the reality of
My bountiful life.

Hmmm– sounds like a movie title.
Not even very original. 😉

When “slumping” thoughts come with a season,
It can be without real reason.
Here’s one thing to do:
I’ll shake up my view.
And give myself time to just ease-in!


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"