Hidden In Plain Sight
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Just what is the question you’re asking?
Just what is the thought that it’s masking?
Will thinking go deep?
Will it make you keep
New outlook regarding your “tasking”?
What’s hidden in plain sight for you?
In our town, Northfield, MN
We are nearing the weekend of
An annual extravaganza …
“The Defeat of Jesse James Days.”
Each year our
Rotary club puts on a bicycle event
With supported rides of several lengths.
Thinking back about twenty years,
I remember a significant phrase/question
Put to me around this time.
As I was walking down the street,
Toward me came Monte.
Monte was an early-twentyish guy
Who was a bicyclist.
We didn’t know each other,
But certainly knew of each other;
Both bike-riding alot.
On sidewalk, we just nodded
As we passed.
A few steps later, Monte turned around,
“Are you going to ride the DJJDays Ride?”
“Naw. Too many people, too much fuss,”
Says I.
A few more steps away, Monte turned again,
“Why would you not? It’s right here.”
Then he walked on.
His words definitely caught my attention,
Made me think.
Indeed … Why would I not?
My thinking wasn’t just about a bike ride.
It became broader.
It was about brushing off opportunity
That was available, so possible.
What about times
I’ve ignored activities—or even people.
When participating would have enhanced
Life and connections?
What about looking more closely and
Sorting through options close at hand?
Monte’s simple, genuine question
Prompted my seeing what’s close-by and possible.
I come back to
“Why would you not?”
Doing deliberate deciding.
I’m glad that’s in my mental pocket.
A gift from Monte;
Who never would have imagined his question
Having any relevance other than a particular bike ride.
Never know where you’re going to learn.
P.S. I did do that bike ride!