Heavy Heart

Wanting kindness and fairness

Sunday, June 7, 2020

My dear friend,

I generally focus, in these notes,
On my personal experiences

On and off my bike, and their
Possible parallels for you.

I focus on "engaging while aging!"

But this past week's horrifying events
Have weighed on my heart.
It's because they are undoubtedly 
Weighing on your own
That I share the following limerick.

It has nothing to do with humor,
And everything to do with the Hard Stuff.

Yearning for a better world.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Naurine - June 7, 2020

Thank you! ❤️🙏

Connie Martin - June 7, 2020

Thanks for this one Lin. It’s a tough weekend and a hard day after many hard days…

    Lin Bruce - June 9, 2020

    It has been tough. Easy to feel our heavy hearts alone–when it is so very shared.

Susan R Pedersen - June 8, 2020

It has been an exhausting time for us all!

    Lin Bruce - June 9, 2020

    Absolutely, Susan. Also, for me, discouraging–having seen this before in my life–would have hoped to never see it again.

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