Gratitude Day
Happy Thanksgiving to You!
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Hello My Friend,
What do you remember about your early
"Thanks and gratitude" day?
Thanksgiving this week.
I'm calling it "Official Gratitude Day.”
I don't know when the word “gratitude”
Became part of my thinking.
It wasn't an expression that came up in conversation
In my "olden days.”
My family had a pretty good vocabulary.
Gratitude wasn't a word I knew.
"Be thankful" was message with Thanksgiving.
Teachers would suggest,
"At your holiday table, have each person say
What he/she is thankful for."
I'll do that! Great, idea!
My family was not "churched.”
Didn't speak publicly about blessings/ gifts/ bounty.
Probably existed in their minds,
But not to be shared in words.
I remember popping up at our table,
Telling folks each had to say what each was thankful for.
(Audacious pip-squeak kid!)
Silence, uncomfortable glancing & shifting,
Until Mom briskly spoke up, "Food!”
And started sending food-laden dishes around table.
I didn't do that again!
Now I realize I don't have to hear others speak of their thankfulness.
I can pull up my own list,
Silent & internal, or loudly shared.
I call it GRATITUDE now.
I know obvious, big items --- plus
Small, sometimes hidden pieces are in my "Gratitude" bag.
Used to be that I was embarrassed
To be public about noticing what I view with gratitude.
Not now.
Especially not now,
With restrictions, distances, health concerns,
Necessary and disruptive.
Keeping track of what lets me live today,
As positively as possible ---
I'm shouting that!
Sending wishes for gentle days.
Love to each this Gratitude/ Thanksgiving week.