Giving Thanks—Lake Superior
"That Bike Lady" in Winter
Friday, November 24, 2017
Hello Dear Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you!
In case you are wondering what “that biking lady”
Gets up to during off season…
North Shore trip in November,
A first for us.
Before making reservation, considered if
Just looking out at views
Would be enough.
Yes, was answer.
"Next Big Thing" takes all manner of forms!
Snowy rain kept trail walks
Prompted leisurely viewing in
Split Rock State Park visitor center.
Informative and attractive.
Bright sunshine Saturday morning
Got us to Tettegouche State Park.
Previous day’s rain covered paved trails as
Ice slicks.
Carefully, carefully with hiking sticks
Made our way to where Baptism River
Enters Lake Superior.
Oh, such an array of beautiful rocks!
Wonderful rocks are North Shore draw for us.
Fun, fun, even in cold.
Time at Cove Point Lodge encouraged
Quiet reading, jigsaw puzzle in fireplace-warmed lobby.
Good food, lovely views.
Here in Northfield,
I ride stationary bike
Several times per week.
Accumulated mileage from indoor rides
Would have gotten me to Viroqua, WI by now,
If riding on the open road.
That "naming" of stationary distance
Makes it seem productive.
This is Thanksgiving week.
I have such gratitude for
Opportunity and your interest.
Hugs to each and all,
All pathways were really quite icy,
That made our walking quite dicey.
By moving so slow,
We did make a go,
And got to the rock beds quite nicely!

Split Rock Lighthouse in grey shroud

Baptism River entering Lake Superior

At mouth of Baptism River.
(That tree looks like my crown!)

Lin built a cairn! Fun!

Out in bracing air

Happy Bob in rain and snow, Split Rock Lighthouse over shoulder in distance.

Lake Superior,
Tettegouche State Park

Descending icy trail

Bob at mouth of Baptism River

Lovely Lake Superior Rocks—such color and variety!

Bob's happy search for rocks

Found a beauty!