Gift of Time and Attention
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Could you use some time and attention?
Brief round trip, 30 hrs, in WI.
Before really frigid weather arrived.
Focused, leisurely, separate visits with
Each of two sons in area.
Highlighted what is true for me:
One of Greatest Gifts I can receive
Is someone's time and attention.
Feeling seen and heard
Lifts my spirits.
Boosts my self-worth.
Feeds my confidence.
Paints a bright swath of possibility.
Sort of "Hugs" my heart with connection.
Lovely to receive.
May that show up in your life.
When I'm given time and attention,
Authentically without pretension,
No re-quir-e-ment,
No hidden intent.
A Life Light that's worthy of mention.