Genuine Help

Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

They started their day with joint venture.
A bike ride would be their adventure.
By hitting a hole
That changed out his role.
The cyclist became a backbencher.

Are you receiving the help offered?
I think things show up bigger,
When there is a medical “blip”
In a household.

All levels seem to take more attention.

How long it takes to get to the bathroom.
How many layers need removing?
Fabrics that fight rearranging, or
Materials that slide to right position?

Big concerns, small details
All are part of a day that works well— 
Or not.

What I have really noticed is,
How genuinely willing folks are to help.
“What can I do for you?” is a honest inquiry.

The gift of being listened to—
Huge, at any time.
Even bigger when household-usual is 

Patiently being heard
Without an agenda of 
How-to, should-have, need-to,
Is a big part of healing for all those involved.

I’m being given that gift,
By authentic, open-hearted folks
Who are patiently open to being present.

I am grateful.
Aware of how we are receiving care.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Susan Fullenbaum - May 25, 2023

Margaret Goodman told me about Bob’s fall from his bike and I just read your two entries. Sounds like you are both adjusting and you’ll probably both be in your bikes before you know it.
Prayers and thinking about both of you.
I know you’ll stay strong and optimist as always.

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