Fresh New View
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Can you imagine your “now” without its past?
I’ve been out riding my wonderful re-styled bicycle!
Fun and exercise together.
Because I’m only now beginning
This outside season of biking,
I’m seeing route surroundings in a
Different stage of growth.
Flowers that bloom early are long gone.
I missed tiny emerging corn shoots.
I’m starting out with nearly full-grown cornstalks.
That song from “Oklahoma”—
“The corn is as high as an elephant’s eye,”
Well, I’m riding past corn
As high as a cyclist’s helmet!
Mid-summer flowers are blooming beside trails.
It’s a sudden full-blown view of route vegetation.
New way of viewing.
Makes me wonder how I would
View my daily experiences,
If I look at them as they are today,
Without a dulling “lead-up” of getting here.
Would I see with a different clarity,
With more appreciation?
Would I see the fullness of today,
Without lasering in on some event’s
Early “ding”?
Would I notice the robustness
Of what is before me?
I think I’ll try to shift my view perspective
To more current-and-appreciative.
Who knows what I’ll take in?
Limerick :
When viewing some view for the first time,
That’s sprung forth from fast-growing enzyme.
I see fresh and new.
How quickly it grew.
I’m lucky to view life in full prime.