Flood of Help

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Have you experienced a flood of help?

Here we are, "snow-birds" in Texas!
Making our way to being settled.

In the last mile of drive to Mpls, MN airport,
It came to light that
Bob had left his walker at home.

Linda, who transported us to airport,
Our caring, efficient, resourceful friend,
Returned to Northfield and had walker
Boxed up—shipped to TX address
Before our plane departed MN.

Arriving TX airport,
I couldn't connect with shuttle driver.
Seeing me frantically circle public spaces
Several times, a local woman said,
"I will find him.”
She did.

Problem was me.
Phone texts out and texts in weren't
Being sent or arriving.
I still had my phone in airplane mode.

Kindly shuttle driver and wife heard story of
Forgotten walker.
Wife contacted her church "Thrift Store"
Arranged loan and delivery of minimalist walker
For use until Bob's arrives.

I have rented a bike.
Rode it this morning for about 7 miles.
I went back and forth on
Decision to rent or buy new Walmart bike.
Good reasons both ways.
Deciding was harder than I "pictured.”

Bought groceries.
Any new grocery store is
Maze for confusion.

Only a couple of disagreements there.
Checkout was flurry of efficiency
Leaving us holding eight plastic bags.
Antithesis to our sustainability beliefs.

Already I have found a local church
Wanting plastic bags for their food-shelf patrons.
Things keep working out!

Reminding myself of the flood of help
Possible when I can say “yes, please!”
(And thank you!)

May your flood of help appear with ease!



When I need to make a decision,
I think through and try to envision.
On this hand, I stand.
On the other hand ...
I can't look ahead with precision!

My new helmet, courtesy of Walmart.

My Beach Bum Bike

Wildflower growing in Texas sand.

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Margaret Smith - February 5, 2025

I had a flat the other day while out on a very, very chilly ride. Unfortunately, the sealant in the tubeless tire wasn’t working (too cold I think) and my fingers were too numb to put in a tube. Fortunately, I had a friend with me and when a man came out from his house to see if we needed help or a ride, we took the ride. His name is Paul and my latest “ Trail Angel “. You could call your help an “Airport Angel “. Enjoy Texas!

Linda - February 5, 2025

My, my but you have been busy! How wonderful to have all those new, solvable problems to address. You’re livin’ the life!

Hope Hutchinson - February 5, 2025

Lin –
My, such an accumulation of hiccups! I’m not surprised that your engaging manner attracts helpful responses.
I’m so glad you have decided on a bike and are getting out to ride. Enjoy the warmth.
Fondly –

    Lin Bruce - February 6, 2025

    Getting used to my bike–so glad to have one to use! Hugs to you, Hope!

Muriel Hachfeld - February 6, 2025

I was deeply moved by the help you received from Northfield and TX people who truly know how to be faithful friends and strangers!

    Lin Bruce - February 6, 2025

    I, too, have been moved. It really is wonderful to experience it first-hand!

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