Expanding Possibilities
Fall Fun at AORN and on My Bike
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Hello My Friends,
FUN, I had fun!
Speaking last night, Sept. 11, In Minneapolis,
Delightful audience: Twin City chapter of AORN.
Association of Operating Room Nurses—
Autumn kick-off meeting.
Resourceful, committed, kind workers,
They are fabulous listeners.
More laughs than ever!
Heaven for me as their
Continuing Education Speaker.
My message has always been:
Any "reaching bigger" expands possibility.
It was put into words this time.
Tricks for getting up a hill,
Or covering many miles,
Fit many life challenges,
Whatever the "hill" or "miles.”
Soon Bob and I get to ride the
Raccoon River Trail in Iowa.
Info looks good,
For short three-day adventure.
Eager to be on bike trip.
Exploring new trail together
Is perfect vacation.
Leaves starting to color for Midwest Autumn.
Rich, beautiful vistas,
New school year,
New opportunities.
May we each get to approach
Days with "beginner eyes”—
Sending big hugs,

By the Red Wing Marina

Beautiful fall color blazing over our church in Northfield

The Mississippi Belle Riverboat behind me!

Mississippi River Trail sign in Red Wing

Those are tall sheep in that field behind me!

Fall color coming—view outside our domicile.

Taking a texting break on the Cannon Valley Trail. (Yes! Me!)

A sample of the Sumac turning on the Sakata Trail.