Delight of Gratitude
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
The gift when my days are Bright-Shiny,
Contrasts with a day Dark-and-Whiney.
Delight—I can feel.
By noticing gifts, Large or Tiny.
Have you noticed how gratitude brightens everything?
I just want to tell you
How much I’m appreciating my life.
Sounds a bit “corny;”
Maybe PollyAnna.
I’m choosing to tell you
Because that’s how I’m feeling
Right now.
Having the privilege of
Living these late-in-life years,
It is wonderful to be able to notice
Bits of delight in my days.
Biking the East River Trail
Swaths of bright-yellow-flowers
Line edges of my ride.
Wow, the vibrant energy of yellow flowers!
Riding on off-road, traffickless path,
Gliding along, muscles happily pumping,
Soaking up silence and green,
I am so appreciative I can do this.
Errands and outings give me
Brief, genuine exchanges with folks.
Some I’ve known for decades and
Can’t remember their names.
(So I ask).
Some folks I’ve never met before
Yet we smile, ask “How’re you doing?”
Appreciating new friendly moments.
I’m choosing to be delighted.
One-on-one visits that allow
Heartfelt concerns to surface
Where they are respectfully protected.
How precious.
Since attending funerals is a nearly
Monthly event,
And being aware of an eventual ending,
As much as possible,
My attention is on today’s bright spots.
May one show up each day for you.