Cultivate Gratitude

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

As I note this day called Thanksgiving,
My mind slides along with reliving,
Times smiling and glad.
Times heavy and sad.
Gratitude, with joy and forgiving.

Have you noticed gratitude makes the good grow?

Gratitude … Thanksgiving.
Wrapped together in my mind.

When I was a grade-school-age-person,
Often my teacher would suggest that
Thanksgiving day, around our table,
Each person would tell what made them feel

It didn’t work at my house.
I was surrounded by smart, caring adults,
Each of whom had their own gratitude list,
Not willing to be that public.

It taught me to do that for myself.
Good lesson, good awareness,
Of how things were in that day.

These days, I’m delighted to be grateful out loud.

I have scores of prompts for my Gratitude,
Sized from Granular to Incredible.

At this life spot,
I’m committing to
Living Fully as is possible while
I have that option.

Noticing what allows me to do that,
My gratitude for all that allows the choice,
I recall other times when I “got there”.

Whatever my journey, on or off my bicycle,
Pedaling up some steep hill,
A physical-road hill, or an off-bike gritty life hill —-
I am SO grateful for support offered.
Health, stamina, enthusiasm,
Persistent believing, from others and myself,
That my journey matters and I can
Move on down that journey’s road

That’s Thanksgiving for me.
Thank you, thank you.

May we cultivate gratitude—
May you have a fine holiday.


Our family 1970 — So grateful for each person.
Lin on Alaska bike trip. 2015
Lin on Alaska bike trip. 2015
Lin arrived at Bar Harbor Maine year 2000. bike trip from Fargo ND. to Bar Harbor
Lin arrived at Bar Harbor Maine year 2000. Bike trip from Fargo ND. to Bar Harbor 
Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Muriel Hachfeld - November 22, 2023

Meaningful poetry, loving photos, deepening Thanksgiving.
Blessings to Bob and you, Lin!

Muriel and Randy

Kay - November 22, 2023

Remembering and loving you

    Lin Bruce - November 22, 2023

    Dear Kay, Thank you. I love that we can share the remembering. Much love!

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