Connection Boost

Pedal power, synergy, and energy

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Hello My Friend,

What group connection perks up your life?

When I ride my bike,
Most often it is by myself.
Oh, yes! I do love to ride with my
Buddy, husband of 61 years, Bob.

And I like riding alone,
Just me moving via my own pedal power.

Other parts of my life?
Much richer, more energy
In connecting.

I attended virtual weekend retreat
With group of smart, compassionate women.
Wisdom shared,
Focused listening,
Caring responses,
Felt like "energy infusion.”

You know the feeling.
Interactions that make you
Think more clearly,
Have sense of possibility.

Those are particularly valuable now.
Lots of us spend
Lots of time,

Could be that's just me.
Anyway, this Zooming time
Was a boost.

Reminds me that
Connecting with others
Who are "doing,”
Can provide a synergy
That moves me "on down my road.”

The "road" might be
My business as a speaker,
My lengthy rides across the U.S.
My efforts to stay optimistic—
Noticing this day's possibilities / gifts.

My metaphor is that
Each day is like a bike ride.

We cover the miles,
Live in midst of that day's scenery,
Name it as glowingly as possible,
Feel satisfied to have done
That part of our journey.

Cool, huh!
My days are like bike rides,
One-pedal-stroke at a time.

Hugs to you,

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

wendy - January 27, 2021

Happy new year, Lin –
It’s always a pleasure to see your smiling face and ingest your rich food for thought…
Thank you for your wonderful work!
– w

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