Connecting Matters
Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2025
Some years I’ve abstained from connecting.
Thought it a chore, not respecting,
The mutual gain,
Connecting makes plain.
I know now this calls for correcting.
I have “Five Shifts.”
Peg-points that help me
Stay on task.
I made the list some time ago
When I looked back over bike trips
To see what consistent points kept me going.
More and more I find their relevance
In my off-bike life.
Number 4 in my list of shifts:
“Connect with Others.”
Planned special connection with others this week—
Illness in groups coming for visit,
Meant it didn’t happen.
That heightened my Shift #4.
Missing connection makes an Empty Spot.
Duh! Of course.
I tend to be a “loner.”
A loner blessed with a dear companion,
So I don’t often think about the
Empty Spot.
This makes me realize how much
Connecting matters.
I think of those connections
That have held me “circled-in.”
Bike buddies who could ride twice my speed
Who made a point of riding with me.
Junior high friends who
Made sure I was picked for a team.
Kind folks who have saved me a seat.
New “buddies” who have invited me along.
My take-away is to notice and appreciate
Connections and connecting.
To extend and to receive …
Part of the fullness of life.
Sending wishes for Connection.