Coming Home
Home from our MN Mini-Tour
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Home .... great to be back.
Now to reintegrate and settle;
That is usually my BIG task.
I 've unpacked,
Have laundry to do.
Have made lunch date with dear friend,
Strolled Northfield's Town Square summer/fall market,
Started lists of "to-do" requirements.
This trip's end-of-each-ride-day clothes
Worked well.
Two knit shirts, short, long sleeve,
Two button shirts, long sleeve,
One pair nylon wants w/ secure pockets.
Gives me start point when packing for
Next time.
(Wonder what that will be?)
Each evening of ride had
Recharging task—so many!
Two phones,
Two rear bike lights,
One computer,
One bike headlight.
Unwittingly left headlight in
Another time,
Will carry list of electronics
To gather each morning.
Our 35 mile daily average,
Good length right now.
Finished trip tired,
Not worn.
Still pleased with effort.
Thanks for coming along.
I'm home now and I am deciding,
Just how to spend time since not riding.
And getting to choose,
I've nothing to lose,
As options can keep my life gliding.

Best room view of all: out our home windows.

Pile of laundry to do—love those concrete tasks!

Non-riding gear, clean and folded.

Road tools back home: computer, bike lights, phone, plus rechargers

Near home, Bob on path by Cannon River—leaves turning.

Late-blooming Northfield beauties!