Cheers To Progress
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022
When something you’ve worked for has happened,
Announce it as upbeat, not flattened.
No di-min-ish-ment.
Try sig-ni-fi-cant
Cheers to keep happy, never saddened.
I have finally met my 2022 “riding-outside” goal
May to Oct.
Two thousand miles.
I could note how long it has taken me,
How I could have gotten so many more miles logged.
How other years, I’ve met goal sooner.
What I am noting is that,
It HAS happened!
Wise leaders remind me,
Comparing yourself to others
Can pull you into
Could-have / Should-have Funk.
If you must compare,
Note how much farther along you are
Looking back to when you started.
Best to cheer!
Required to cheer!!!
We’re never too “worldly” for cheers,
Or too accomplished for affirmation.
Cheer for what you have achieved,
How you have grown.
Be your own best cheering squad,
Loud and Loving!
My dear Mama,
Who grew up in a rigid family
In earlier times,
Always told me that I was not to
Be proud or public about my accomplishments.—
I would end up with a
“Fat Head” (pompous personality ).
Now my mode is,
Recognize how each little-bitty forward movement,
Gets me closer to where I need to be.
What ever that is in my life.
Very much like a bike trip—-
One-pedal-stroke at a time
Added up, can get you to your
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