Celebrate the Imperfections

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

This can be a season for singing.
You might feel like swaying and swinging.
Might be still as stone.
On-key or off-tone,
Your heart fills with joy with the ringing.

How many holiday lyrics do you remember?

“Celebrate the imperfections” … my phrase for this
Holiday Season. 

This week I had a car errand 
Involving an hour drive.
Being by myself, I decided to
Loudly sing “in-my-memory”
Christmas carols.

What I discovered is that most carols
Had several lines where words were
“Dee-dah-Dee-dah-Dee, La-La-La-La!

Amazing how those words made
Entire songs singable!

Reminder to me…
Perfection not required.

Interestingly, in my mind,
Jingle Bells had all its words.
Because when there is a family gathering,
We stand in a circle and sing to notice
We are together.

Ezra always requests Jingle Bells.
We sing Jingle Bells! 
Plus one or two others.

Jingle Bells is just right—
Whatever the season.
Spirited, sing-able, upbeat
Jingle Bells is the go-to song.

Have fun, my Friend,
Sing loudly, 
Celebrate YOUR Creative Song.

Holiday Hugs,

Celebration burst of light
Celebration burst of light
Late Dec sunset
Late Dec sunset
Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Beverly Colgin Joder Collier - December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas to you from the Old Pueblo
It was at least 74 degrees here today,
So no White Christmas for us, yet . . .
We LOVE our desert weather even though it does bring memories our our cold, snowy White Christmases in old Wyoming. We barely need a Christmas Sweater!
Three sons are scattered around the globe–from South America, to Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, to California!

May your stocking be filled with joy and much happiness!
Beverly & Tom Collier,
Tucson, AZ

    Lin Bruce - December 25, 2024

    Hope you get to se those sons soon! So happy you are in a place that is just right! much love, Lin

Beverly Colgin Joder Collier - December 25, 2024

Feliz Navidad from the Old Pueblo! Hugs and love,
Bev & Tom

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