Rushford, WI—Lanesboro, MN: 33 milesFriday, October 5, 2018Rain was heavy during dark of night.This morning, wet trails.Dry bodies.From first pedal stroke, Raincoats part of uniform worn today.Made good layer for warmth,And just-in-case ready for rain that didn’t come.I started my ride from Rushford,Bob started from Peterson where he parked car.Bob was flat-out with bad cold […]
Continue readingSaturday, September 15, 2018Have you noticed?How much darker early morning is?To “Crazi” at seven a.m. for breakfastBeautiful sunrise over town’s lovely lake,Bonus for day.Guidebook described 19 miles paved trail,Between Hutchinson and Winsted.Yippee! Realizing paved trail is favorite.Being in Winsted, that was our start point.Following signs to Luce Line Trail,Led to field of two-foot-high weeds,Single track […]
Continue readingGladstone—Menominee, MI: 61 milesSunday, June 17, 2018Happy Fathers Day!If you are a father, special honoring to you today.Unable to access internet tonightDue to weather conditions.This post via text to my web person.Huge storm on way,Will interfere with biking tomorrow.Shuttle to be hired to get usTo Green Bay, WI.Mileage today was 61.I rode 66.Got a bit […]
Continue readingMunising—Gladstone, MI: 70 miles (I rode 35)Saturday, June 16, 2018(Column 1)I rode 35 miles today.Hardly any pictures today.Usual day disrupted by weather.Report at 7:30am, approaching tornado!“Stay away from windows, park car protected spot.”Wow, we didn’t want to be outside in that.Long restaurant breakfast,Stocking tummies, waiting out weather.Nothing.Back at motel at 9am,Skies opened with heavy, heavy […]
Continue readingDay 11: Newberry—Grand Marais, MI: I rode 30 milesDay 12: Grand Marais—Munising, MI: I rode 35 milesThursday, June 14, 2018I rode 30 miles on 13th, Today, June 14th Flag Day, I rode 35.(You will see pictures of John G. wearing his Flag Day outfit) Funny how reliant we become on having Wi-Fi- available.At least ten people […]
Continue readingSt. Ignace—Newberry, MI: 65 miles(I rode 41…)Tuesday, June 12, 2018Today’s ride was 65 miles.I rode 41 miles.The first thirty of those miles were wonderful,Not much elevation change, Excellent pavement, low traffic, Cool, sunny weather.At about thirty miles Left knee got so sore.At lunch stop / lunch on truck tail gate,I asked to put bike in […]
Continue readingMackinaw City—St. Ignace, MI: 10 milesMonday, June 11, 2018Today we rode ten miles.Really, today was get to Mackinac Island on ferry,Have whatever bike ride around island area you wanted to do,Take ferry to St Ignace.Smooth sailings,Sunny skies,Paved trail,Gorgeous sceneryArriving Mackinac Island at 10am,Docking area filled with ferry passengers,Figuring out their next move.Main street swirling with […]
Continue readingHarbor Springs—Mackinaw City, MI: 41 milesSunday, June 10, 2018Grateful for shorter miles today. Some great pavement, some flat,Some badly broken shoulders, some hills.Increasing wind during ride. First stop along road … in shade,We were feeding mosquitoes! Made sure next stops in sun,Wind assisting mosquito control. Here in Mackinaw CityI walked main street.Fudge, Ice Cream shops,Outnumber all other businesses. Began asking […]
Continue readingBoyne City —Harbor Springs, MI: 51 milesSaturday, June 9, 2018Ride today was fifty-one miles.I rode them all.Such a different ride day from yesterday.Early start in cool of day,Much flatter terrain,Twenty five miles of bike trail.Of the nine of us,Two men riders leave early and Fast each morning.One guy, Jerry, has riddenOne hundred-twenty-five-thousand bike trip miles […]
Continue readingTraverse City—near Boyne City, MI: 60 milesFriday, June 8, 2018I rode fifty miles.Total ride was sixty miles.Asked for “lift” to lodging for tonight,Which is Air B & B on a golf course.Very challenging ride for many.Hills, Hills, Hills.Stan with his Garmond device said 13% for one climb.Not surprising.I think we are cutting across all the […]
Continue readingMears, MI —Manistee, MI: 60 milesTuesday, June 5, 2018Today was a long and challenging ride for me.Five miles longer than advertised,Because breakfast cafe was five mile round trip out of way.AND … Nobody wants to miss breakfast!All riding was on small highways,Many hills,Head wind at least half of time.Hard Work.(I’ll happily get back to trails)I […]
Continue readingRecent Ups and Downs of my “Next Big Things”Tuesday, April 10, 2018Hello, My Friends, My contrasting mindsetsSlow me down,Yet keep me moving. Feeling lashed by the anklesBy tenacious winter cold temps.I’m held to Winter’s requirements,Rather than moving into Spring’s possibility. Evident for me—As fair weather biker.I continue indoor stationary biking. Getting outside on bike one time,I’m Very Aware of seat differenceBetween […]
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