Figuring out how to stay walking upright
Is pretty important.
I’m talking about the actual, physical upright
Of walking in winter.
Another speaking opportunity this week,
Reminding me that there is always more to learn.
I “got” the parallel, that
Like bike trips, there are predictable parts,
Bicycles, miles pedaled, hills, weather.
Gently, gratefully, I’m home.
Biking, tasks, obligations, opportunities,
Beginning to blur together.
Yet, each exists as rich piece in my life tapestry.
What worked well today for you?
Wise women have taught me:
Notice what went well.
Gratitude such a powerful
Magnet for more.
What worked well:
Continue readingTwo 62-mile ride days this week!
Whew! Made me tired & I did it.
At about 45 miles,
I started thinking,
You know those long, steep hills?
In life, or on a bicycle?
They can be Tough!
As of May 23, ten weeks ’til bike trip!
A ride this week was
One of most exhausting I’ve ridden!
Wasn’t length — 27mi. very do-able now.
Eleven weeks until start of Empire State Ride.
No biking to report.
Unusual week filled with time-consuming appts.
Each important with positive outcome,
Each gulping down time.
Did I ask you that before?
It’s been relevant for me this week.
Staying diligent & consistent,
Increasing mileage as I ride nearly daily,
Needed an “auto-pilot” setting.
Positive start on longer ride-days.
20, 30, even a 40 miler this week!
Showing up,
Completing the task.
Grumbling as I go.
I guess that’s “consistent & persistent”.
Continue readingSlightly longer rides this week.
These longer ride days are
Relearning, AGAIN, that
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