When your life is battered and windblown,
Your path feels too rocky and unknown.
May some shift appear,
Some help that is clear,
Supporting you; being your keystone.
While biking inside, I growl and groan,
“This is so BORING, I sigh and moan,”
Then I hear that nudge,
And I think “Oh, fudge!
I must step beyond my comfort zone!”
Some route-days are really hard biking.
The effort they take is quite striking.
Does that mean I”m done,
With biking for fun?
Of course not. It’s still to my liking!
The day isn’t what you expected—
The time seems adversely affected.
Expanding your view,
Of what you could do,
Reveals things as “wisely selected.”
When you ride a trail with directions,
Expecting the signs as reflections,
Of where you will go,
And then it’s not so,
You’re likely to have some objections.
Task’s lost momentum, I think I’ll quit.
Inner self will surely throw-a-fit.
So what can I do,
To see the task through?
Now is the time I can recommit.
A positive thing when it’s snowing
Is seeing that wind is not blowing.
If wind’s in the mix,
That is a bad fix!
‘Cause then you can’t see where you’re going.
When not knowing how is impeding,
And gets in the way of proceeding,
The best thing to do,
To get your new view …
Get Help for your road to succeeding!
As Winter lands on my location,
And I view the scene with vexation,
I keep it in mind,
Each year I will find,
It happens as part of rotation.
When something you’ve worked for has happened,
Announce it as upbeat, not flattened.
No di-min-ish-ment.
Try sig-ni-fi-cant
Cheers to keep happy, never saddened.
My efforts seem sometimes “unmoving.”
And sometimes I feel like I’m “grooving.”
Each small thing I do,
Will help me get through
The inching-forth task of “improving.”
When summer has come to its “bottom,”
It’s followed by colors of autumn.
With yellow and red
We’re vibrantly fed
With bright views, and truly I’ve got ’em.