“Do I do this? Or that?” “Will I have enough energy to do it all?”
The need for life balance is a reality for us all. How do you embrace your passionate, zest-filled activity and still do everything else?
My biggest source of inspiration
comes through people I admire.
Maggie Cook Garcia is one such person.
How are you in this extraordinary time? Dealing with quarantine, new isolation, can be draining on many levels. I’m planning ahead and acting as if.” How about you?
Continue readingThese past 12 days showed me how
What’s foremost in our hearts
Can shift in a moment.
I’ve met my second
One-thousand-mile goal for this summer! Today, rode final 19 miles.
August 5 to September 28 was span for these miles.
I rode 50 miles today! Longest day I’ve ridden for about a year!
You’ll see here that long hours pedaling provides long hours for philosophizing from the seat of my bike!
46 mile ride: Started from Rushville, NebraskaElevation: 3740Wednesday, September 4, 2019Bob and I rode out together this morning—Out of Rushville. Nice to do that Seldom do we start day riding together.For 5 miles we biked on Hwy 20, E->W across Nebraska.Very wide shoulder, safe riding.At five miles, we turned off highway to adjacent”Cowboy Trail”, under […]
Continue readingYes, I am losing altitude.
Different than riding downhill, Please understand. Today had hills, up & down, Swoops & climbs through ranch & farmland.
This trip is all about Flexibility!
Change the route to match the conditions, Shorten miles to fit temperatures, Notice the journey. Lucky me!
Do worries or fears keep you from moving forward?
My “aha” today might help…
Does it ever seem to you that too much work is required to do what you want?
Do you question: “Is this worth it?”
That’s when I REALLY need to ask for help.
I have given thought and commitment to my next mileage goal: Another 1000 miles by October 15. My adventure plan? Drum roll, please…..
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