You can’t tell a gift by its wrapping.
May quietly come without flapping.
It could come to be,
A sight that you see.
Some new view that sets your hands clapping.
I will change the way I’m preparing—
For travel. I’m hereby declaring:
To gently take heed,
Of what I most need.
The franticness mindset repairing!
Whatever path you are traveling,
Make note of how much you are tackling.
Impossible stunt?
Put one foot in front,
Of the other; Yes you are dazzling!
Some route-days are really hard biking.
The effort they take is quite striking.
Does that mean I”m done,
With biking for fun?
Of course not. It’s still to my liking!
Activities, plus time for biking,
Variety—that I am liking.
It is very true,
That what you can do,
Depends on the balance you’re striking.
As you listen with interest, beware.
Don’t let yourself slide to despair.
Sharing of stories,
Lows and of glories,
Truly listen, but Do Not Compare!
I’m viewing the wonder of new sights,
Flowers, and ocean, and mountain heights.
Still, visits with you
Are brightest for me, beyond city lights.
Life can get heavy and serious.
Mindset can be deleterious.
Have fun and go play,
To brighten your way.
Remedy clear! Not mysterious.
When not knowing how is impeding,
And gets in the way of proceeding,
The best thing to do,
To get your new view …
Get Help for your road to succeeding!
When something you’ve worked for has happened,
Announce it as upbeat, not flattened.
No di-min-ish-ment.
Try sig-ni-fi-cant
Cheers to keep happy, never saddened.
Have you had a time of “help-needing?”
When you thought you soon would be pleading,
For someone to do
A big job for you?
But help came! Your worry receding.
Bob & my trip west,
Visiting dear friends & treasured uncle.
Covered many miles,
Frequently “touched the heart”,
Put us midst dramatic scenery.