Generous listening.
A few hours later, I’m feeling Melancholy.
Third week of October —
Blue skies and weather warm enough for
Glorious outdoor time!
I’m just back from speaking to
Great group of women.
Waseca, MN, Catholic Daughters —
They are my expanded awareness.
On rides through countryside
I pass many stands selling Pumpkins!
Do you wonder if all of those hundreds
Become Jack-O-Lanterns?
Another speaking opportunity this week,
Reminding me that there is always more to learn.
I “got” the parallel, that
Like bike trips, there are predictable parts,
Bicycles, miles pedaled, hills, weather.
My talk this week in Farmington, MN,
Engaged, attentive audience,
Giving me their interested response
To my story.
For a couple of months,
My total focus — riding miles, gaining strength.
Good results, I am stronger.
Effort well-put.
Riding one day this week,
Passing corn field, I thought…
Two 62-mile ride days this week!
Whew! Made me tired & I did it.
At about 45 miles,
I started thinking,
I was on my way out the door.
Office worker said,
“Thank you for your kindness”
“We don’t get much in this office”.
Are you sharing your story?
My Friend, you never know
Where your story will prompt
Someone’s reaching bigger.
Goal of 1000 summer miles reached! Now for a “Next Big Thing” that, for me, is every bit as scary as my first bike ride…
Continue readingSuddenly, (it seems sudden,)
Spring has “sprung.”
Speaking gig and bike rides…