
Category Archives for "Make the Commitment"

Lake Michigan Ride—Day 17

Green Bay—Manitowoc, WI: 52 miles(I rode 57… read on for “why!”)Tuesday, June 19, 2018I rode 57 miles. Have you noticed these days When I have been bicycling entire day’s mileage,That I have more miles than route sheet? It’s not that I’m striving To add miles, like Stan.It is that I get lost. I do get “found.”Yesterday a police […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 15

Gladstone—Menominee, MI: 61 milesSunday, June 17, 2018Happy Fathers Day!If you are a father, special honoring to you today.Unable to access internet tonightDue to weather conditions.This post via text to my web person.Huge storm on way,Will interfere with biking tomorrow.Shuttle to be hired to get usTo Green Bay, WI.Mileage today was 61.I rode 66.Got a bit […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 7

Boyne City —Harbor Springs, MI: 51 milesSaturday, June 9, 2018Ride today was fifty-one miles.I rode them all.Such a different ride day from yesterday.Early start in cool of day,Much flatter terrain,Twenty five miles of bike trail.Of the nine of us,Two men riders leave early and Fast each morning.One guy, Jerry, has riddenOne hundred-twenty-five-thousand bike trip miles […]

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Lake Michigan Ride—Day 2

Muskegon—Silver Lake, MI: 40 milesMonday, June 4, 2018**The Milwaukee trail in yesterday’s photos is Actually called “Hank Aaron” trail.I think my typo misnamed it as “Nike.”   Today we’re housed in motel located in low area.I walked to top of hill to get message sent out. Funny standing beside highway,Trucks barreling by,Cell phone held to sky. Ride today was […]

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Training Lessons Relearned

​​​​Hard-knock Tips for Long Distance CyclingWednesday, May 16, 2018Back outside for lengthy bike rides,I rediscover helpful things I know for my own comfort.Things I Am Rediscovering as I Train for Lake Michigan Bike Ride:Have my right foot down every single time I get on bike,Otherwise… right knee hurts at end of ride.Lighten up grip on handlebars,Otherwise… […]

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Being Brave

Saying “Yes” to Opportunities Means Feeling the Fear and Doing it Anyway!Friday, April 27, 2018​Hello My Friends, Biking outside now!Our weather Is warm enough—Clear roads, snow nearly gone.Hooray! Training outdoors much more appealingThan stretches of time on indoor bike.  Today was SO windy.Bob wisely picked our route, First into the wind.Really hard work going out. I was thinking […]

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Birthday Check-in

Biking and Speaking UpdatesFriday, March 16, 2018Hello My Friends, Current biking:Nearly daily stationary indoor bike riding,Preparing for Lake Michigan ride in June. Longer hours of daylight,Increasing temps,Melting snow,In a few weeks,I will ride outside! My birthday just passed—Celebrated 79 years on March 13. March 13 as its start date was prompt to sign up forMy first transcontinental U.S. ride: […]

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Tour de Wyoming 2017: Preparation

Friday, July 14th, 2017 On Sunday, 16th, Wyoming State bike ride begins! I will be a rider, and the speaker first night out. My five days at cabin above Centennial, Elevation 8,500 ft have been challenge I’d not expected. All is well, really. Just that years past, Acclimation to altitude happened fairly fast. Different year, Different experience. I’m […]

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Next trip starts Saturday!

Last minute details and fun…Wednesday, June 14, 2017 ​Hello Friends,Saturday, June 17, next ride starts! Bob and I on northern MN ride, New routes, more complete trails, Circle tour, creative planning, Enough challenge, Enough back-up For good bicycling together. Original plan 450 miles Completely unsupported— Modified when my chest cough, Bob twinging back, Reminded us that changing […]

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National Bike Week

Lake City Public Library, MNSaturday, May 20, 2017 ​Hello My Friends,National Bike Week this week! My talk in Lake City Part of their attention to bicycling. Lovely audience of about dozen Attentive listeners. Thoughtful questions let me Expand my stories, Share experiences. Appreciation for Librarian, Stacie Falvey, Setting up talk gig. Original plan was biking to Lake City for […]

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Bike Season is Happening Here

Outdoor Training At Last!Saturday, May 6, 2017 Hello my Friends,Over last three days, Biked sixty miles. Beautiful time, being out. Fields ready for seeds, Crabapple trees unfurling Blossoms of white or pink. Patches of wildflowers. Cannon Trail today. White Rue Anemone covering Adjacent banks with flowering carpet. Fragile beauty catches my breath In delight. On trail today, My first […]

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Speaking in Winona

Winona Friendship CenterApril 5, 2017 Hello Friends,Got to Winona’s Friendship Center, Read marquee, Thought … oh, dear… Mistake here, Not my expertise!Inside building white board words Gave message that matched. Whew.(Bike safety instruction followed my talk.) Lovely people involved all along, Booking talk through Winona Library, Oldest serving library building in U.S. Librarian Lezlea finding date for event. Friendship Center […]

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