Have you had a time of “help-needing?”
When you thought you soon would be pleading,
For someone to do
A big job for you?
But help came! Your worry receding.
Here’s what I think can come of sharing.
We learn beyond that which is glaring.
We learn what we’ve done,
For cause or for fun—
We learn of our daring and caring.
When someone is present to hear you,
Your story about what you do “do,”
Brings more fun and zest,
You give it your best,
Attention from one, or a big crew.
On hot days when riding seems frightful,
To be out, is less than delightful.
Explore a new way,
Engage in your day.
Make all of your choices “insightful.”
My “settle-in-salve” is connection,
With folks for whom I feel affection.
Wherever I roam,
My heart feels at home,
With shared time from loving direction.
Hard work that you share is connecting.
Though sometimes you feel like objecting.
What you’ve gotten done,
Though not always fun,
Gets you to the goal you’re expecting.
All riding in the van is quite rare,
It gives opportunity to share,
Our stories we tell,
And get to know well,
Our seat mate—connections build more care!
I’m dressed in layers so many,
My bag nearly empty of any,
More clothing to wear,
Wish weather were fair,
Warm sun in my thoughts for a penny!
It’s hard to say it’s fun when one’s cold.
When fingers get stiff and they don’t fold.
That time on my bike,
Is not what I like.
Yet, after I thaw-out, I’m still sold.
Looking out and watching as it rains,
Watching water swirl down outside drains.
Pointless to grumble,
Even to mumble.
Weather is described for pains or gains.
Starting out feeling NOT very brave,
Never the start point that I would crave.
On downhill or climb.
To notice the progress each mile gave.
Listening to folks who are very smart,
Who make their life choices from the heart.
The thoughts that they share,
Reveal that they care,
Considering impact from the start.