When viewing some view for the first time,
That’s sprung forth from fast-growing enzyme.
I see fresh and new.
How quickly it grew.
I’m lucky to view life in full prime.
Ac-cu-mu-la-tions for “just-in-case”
May fill the corners within your place.
When they’re cleared away,
You’ll find that you may
Discover pockets of “space-with-grace.”
A stop as you pass a library,
On whim, or a trip necessary,
Will likely provide,
With what was supplied,
A pause that’s beyond ordinary.
When routine becomes repetitious,
When doing is just expeditious,
So, what can you do,
To fire-up anew?
And add just one spark that’s “delicious?”
The walking they do, I’ve admired,
I will do that too when required.
That will be my tack,
Then I can get back.
My need-to is that I’m flat-tired.
They started their day with joint venture.
A bike ride would be their adventure.
By hitting a hole
That changed out his role.
The cyclist became a backbencher.
His “sighting” occurred quite benignly,
It turned out to be quite untimely.
“Oh, look at that bird!”
The next thing I heard,
Was Bob having landed supinely.
Finding yourself in a spot that’s bad,
Something that scares you or makes you mad.
Start thinking anew
On what you can do:
Creative thinking’s your launching pad.
I start out with much apprehension.
My thinking’s reflecting my tension.
And what I have found,
As we move around,
It’s Help. It’s the “screw-up prevention.”
My birthday time has been quite thought-filled.
With rambling-musing, not plot-filled.
Reviewing the years,
With joy and with tears.
Important for me, and not fraught-filled.
Rides that have given great pleasure,
Are memories I’ll always treasure.
The things that I’ll do,
Will challenge me through,
And satisfy me beyond measure.