
Category Archives for "Gratitude"

Personal Peace

So, what is the story of your peace?
What brings you to viewing a new lease
On how you are true
In those things you do.
What fills up your heart, brings peace-increase?  

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Rewards of Noticing

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 What unique, colorful person/point of viewCan be found,If taking time to notice? Noticing, Noticing.My reminder to myself has been “Notice.” Opportunities for that abound! Most fabulous noticing was Science Museum, St. Paul, MNExhibit by Christopher Marley, visual artist. He makes art with creatures—Bugs, reptiles, all sort of natural things. Talk about making me notice!Those little, some little-bitty, […]

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It’s one of those times that is freeing,
When noticing what I am seeing:
The dark and the light,
Are sharp in my sight.
Awareness enhances “whole-being.”

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Why Recommit?

Those times when you’re thinking of quitting,
Near burn-out, depletion admitting.
Pull up your resolve,
And let things evolve.
Just what do you need? Recommitting!

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