
Category Archives for "Gratitude"


My bike ride turn’d into sightseeing.
With viewing that prompted wellbeing.
With colors intense,
On murals immense,
A true rush of Joy guaranteeing.

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Living Fully

Good start for my day is “bike-moving.”
It sorts out my mind so it’s grooving.
Add in that it’s fun,
And when I am done,
My outlook’s already improving!

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Arrive home

Arrive home, and first thing is laundry.
If not done, it surely would haunt me.
Spread out on the rack
It shows I am back.
Completed without any quandary.

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All Systems Go

When all things show up in your favor,
It’s easy to take in and savor,
Without saying “why,”
And why would you try?
Just soak up the day’s special “flavor.”

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Best Rest

I wonder, what constitutes resting?
A wild type of fun and some jesting?
What do you think of,
When speaking with love?
Rest comes with the care you’re investing.

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Why Terry

When you’re at a point of deciding
What pants you will wear while you’re riding
Best clothe your behind
With pants you will find
At Terry; their pants keep you gliding.

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Heart Hearing

Getting the gift of a story told,
You listen close as the words unfold.
Trusted with sharing,
Known to be caring,
This time is surely a “piece-of-gold.”

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