
Category Archives for "Gratitude"

What Different Picture Has Shown Up for You?

Bike rides on the two paved trailsAbout 15 miles from home.Cannon Valley Trail & Sakatah Trail.Great finale for 2021 Trail pedaling. Different views show up sinceTrees and bushes are mostly leafless. Lengths of trail with overarching branches;Earlier appearing as leafy green tunnels,Now show “basic” structure.Like cathedral beams meetingAt top of ceiling. Are we like that?With […]

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Tending Time

How are you tending your time?

I am so privileged to have been on this trip
Choosing what makes my heart sing.
Lucky me.

This has been my last day
Riding & being with this bicycle group.

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Small World

You never know when your web
Of connections will overlap!

Ride took us through “Park of Trails,”
In Rochester NY.
“Notorious for people getting lost.”
My good fortune—riding behind Nancy!
Not lost.

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You know those days when you’re perfectly
In the Flow and everything’s great?
That was today.

Forty miles on bike trail,
MY picture of ideal biking.

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Power of Perspective

Consider the power in a change of perspective.

I learned that “kill” means “river” in Dutch.
Makes the town name “better to my ear.”

On road at 6:45 a.m.
Attempt to beat-the-heat.

Trail beside Hudson River,
Lovely trees, great views.

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