I was on my way out the door.
Office worker said,
“Thank you for your kindness”
“We don’t get much in this office”.
How do you trust your route?
How often are our paths winding?
Unsure, rough and gravelly?
Connection to next part unclear,
Yet arriving at place that
Is start of continuing journey.
What are you puzzling over in your life?
Most evenings, Bob and I work on a puzzle.
One end of dining table,
Covered with puzzle pieces.
Even though I knew
“Winter coming soon,” eight inches of snow, mid-October,
Grabbed my attention. Actually, whacked my sense of possibility.
It can be HARD to be flexible.
Sometimes even hard to be generous!
What helps you with frustration and impatience?
What have you “explored” recently?
Even though we’ve had MN as home for fifty years,
Seldom have Bob and I explored MN.
Cumulative COVID effects for me
Result in feeling nothing is possible.
What about you?
How do you see variety in “the usual?” That’s a question for me these days.
Usual tasks, usual routes, usual timing, can take on “usual” color, without attention.
It makes a HUGE difference for me…Wednesday, August 5, 2020Hello My Friend,When have you been with a groupThat radiates warm community?Pretty nice to bump elbows,Even in a Zoom setting,When one feels welcomed.I had that this week In several ways.Social-distanced connection With a couple of family members.Zoomed meeting with group of women.Masked visit with friend,From two […]
Continue readingLife begins to “open up” again, yet for us, as seniors, taking precautions, much is still the same. One of the small pleasures of this time has been “take-out!”
Continue reading[…] this past week’s horrifying events have weighed on my heart.
It’s because they are undoubtedly weighing on your own, that I share the following limerick.