
Category Archives for "Getting Through Challenging Days"

Power of Discernment

Learning what you don’t want
Powerful part of choosing what you DO want.

Fast food breakfast to feed many quickly.
“Tim Horton’s,” new-to-me chain.

Getting out to beat heat as much as possible.
Prompting that early breakfast source.

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Course Corrections

Adjusting to conditions on the ground.

Well, we didn’t all ride 23 miles.
Stan rode the whole 60-mile route.
Super-rider, Stan.

Day was a bit complicated,
Though well thought through.
Today’s heat index, forecast over 100.

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Handling Big Hills

Training for this bike ride,
Should have been 50% daily walking up some very steep hill,
Pushing my bicycle!

Today’s hills were killers.
Even Stan, who is extremely strong,
Actually, strongest rider,
Talked about the consistent
Hills of 10% to 14% grade.

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