Ac-cu-mu-la-tions for “just-in-case”
May fill the corners within your place.
When they’re cleared away,
You’ll find that you may
Discover pockets of “space-with-grace.”
A stop as you pass a library,
On whim, or a trip necessary,
Will likely provide,
With what was supplied,
A pause that’s beyond ordinary.
When routine becomes repetitious,
When doing is just expeditious,
So, what can you do,
To fire-up anew?
And add just one spark that’s “delicious?”
The walking they do, I’ve admired,
I will do that too when required.
That will be my tack,
Then I can get back.
My need-to is that I’m flat-tired.
They started their day with joint venture.
A bike ride would be their adventure.
By hitting a hole
That changed out his role.
The cyclist became a backbencher.
His “sighting” occurred quite benignly,
It turned out to be quite untimely.
“Oh, look at that bird!”
The next thing I heard,
Was Bob having landed supinely.
Finding yourself in a spot that’s bad,
Something that scares you or makes you mad.
Start thinking anew
On what you can do:
Creative thinking’s your launching pad.
While you’re on the road to improving,
You may find you’re very slow-moving.
I’ll tell you, my Friend,
Since you’re on the mend,
Hang in there! You soon will be “grooving.”
My outlook is really quite crabby.
My words are impatient and jabby.
Because I might bite,
Perhaps I should write,
Consult with the expert “Dear Abby!”
With your heart open and generous,
Beware of hackers most venomous.
Connect with a call.
Before we befall
Their wiles; which turn out to be virtue-less.
A positive thing when it’s snowing
Is seeing that wind is not blowing.
If wind’s in the mix,
That is a bad fix!
‘Cause then you can’t see where you’re going.