
Category Archives for "Getting Through Challenging Days"


My bike ride turn’d into sightseeing.
With viewing that prompted wellbeing.
With colors intense,
On murals immense,
A true rush of Joy guaranteeing.

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Uphill Days

Some route-days are really hard biking.
The effort they take is quite striking.
Does that mean I”m done,
With biking for fun?
Of course not. It’s still to my liking!

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Heart Hearing

Getting the gift of a story told,
You listen close as the words unfold.
Trusted with sharing,
Known to be caring,
This time is surely a “piece-of-gold.”

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Real Reason

You’ve gathered the right information,
Put time into your calculation
Of where you must be
And who you can see.
The trip now becomes celebration.

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Firing Up Joy

A great joy for me comes from biking.
Though it’s not to everyone’s liking.
Do what is your “Fun,”
You’ll feel like you “Won.”
Brings joy to your life that’s quite striking.

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Shifting Sadness

When change comes about and I feel sad,
My boat rocks and things seem to go bad.
And rather than miffed,
Could I find some gift
To name as “Appreciate-launch-pad?”

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