Mears, MI —Manistee, MI: 60 milesTuesday, June 5, 2018Today was a long and challenging ride for me.Five miles longer than advertised,Because breakfast cafe was five mile round trip out of way.AND … Nobody wants to miss breakfast!All riding was on small highways,Many hills,Head wind at least half of time.Hard Work.(I’ll happily get back to trails)I […]
Continue readingThe Trip to MilwaukeeFriday, June 1, 2018I am underway, Launching arrival part of journey.Bob and I have driven to Milwaukee,Heavy, heavy truck traffic on freeways,Nerve wracking, exhausting, prompting frazzle.Not way I want to start.Then lost on arrival in Milwaukee!Arghh….Could be litany of “downer” experience,Except….In crowded midst of downtown Milwaukee,Pulling over to ask construction crew for […]
Continue readingHard-knock Tips for Long Distance CyclingWednesday, May 16, 2018Back outside for lengthy bike rides,I rediscover helpful things I know for my own comfort.Things I Am Rediscovering as I Train for Lake Michigan Bike Ride:Have my right foot down every single time I get on bike,Otherwise… right knee hurts at end of ride.Lighten up grip on handlebars,Otherwise… […]
Continue readingRecent Ups and Downs of my “Next Big Things”Tuesday, April 10, 2018Hello, My Friends, My contrasting mindsetsSlow me down,Yet keep me moving. Feeling lashed by the anklesBy tenacious winter cold temps.I’m held to Winter’s requirements,Rather than moving into Spring’s possibility. Evident for me—As fair weather biker.I continue indoor stationary biking. Getting outside on bike one time,I’m Very Aware of seat differenceBetween […]
Continue readingBreaking News…Wednesday, February 7, 2018Hello My Friends,My exciting news:I have signed up to ride around Lake Michigan!Trip is June 1—21, 2018.It is set up by bicycle company created by Nancy and Ken Wright.Couple from Vermont sets up rides—Route, lodging, food, SAG.Doing all work themselves,Riding with participants everyday,Keeping costs down,And enthusiasm up!Daily mileage is in good […]
Continue readingThe Importance of Small StepsSunday, October 22, 2017 Hello My Friends,Responding to Autumn Brings widely varied ups and downs. Feelings swing between delight and longing. Though slow in appearing, Color blazes of autumn red, gold, rust Fill my bike ride horizons. Such beauty lets me spin miles So caught up in glorious views, Pedaling is almost unnoticed. […]
Continue readingPerry to Panora, Iowa: 51 milesFriday, September 15, 2017 Hi Friends,Longer rider than mapped today. Lost twice. Yuck! I hate being lost anytime— Lost via bicycle just adds work. We’re riding Raccoon River Valley Trail. Keeps us out of traffic, Mostly bordered with habitat corridors, As it routes beside farm fields. Especially grateful for sheltering trees, Windbreak and shade […]
Continue readingRock River to Saratoga: 75 miles—I rode 50.Tuesday, July 18, 2017 Scheduled ride was 75 miles. I rode 50. Started in intermittent rain— Beautiful rainbow. One rider said, “Good omen for day!” First seventeen miles with cloud cover Temps mid 60’s. Made the headwind almost unnoticeable. Cleared off. Wyoming’s clear blue skies Bring the heat, high 80’s. Biked by […]
Continue readingWheatland to Rock River: 79 miles—I rode 43 milesMonday, July 17, 2017 This day’s ride was HARD. All the descriptors from yesterday— Losing two thousand feet With downhill highways. Strong, tailwind, powerful assist— Do not apply. Today altitude gain went from 4000 to 7000, That means lo-o-o-ong uphills for slow climbing. Headwinds made work even harder. Add heat, […]
Continue readingFriday, July 14th, 2017 On Sunday, 16th, Wyoming State bike ride begins! I will be a rider, and the speaker first night out. My five days at cabin above Centennial, Elevation 8,500 ft have been challenge I’d not expected. All is well, really. Just that years past, Acclimation to altitude happened fairly fast. Different year, Different experience. I’m […]
Continue readingWet Day—Aitken, MN—10 milesSunday, June 25, 2017 Find humor in the hard stuff…Today was one of those days for us. Woke to heavy rain, Meaning that we chose to change plan for day. The hard part was not highway hills, Wind in our faces, Mechanical problems… It was figuring out How to be flexible enough to Configure […]
Continue readingWishes and ReflectionSWednesday, December 21, 2016 Hello friends, Longest day, darkest day.Tomorrow and tomorrow …Slowly light nibbles darkness,Renewing thoughts ofDaylight opening possibility.This season is a hard one for me,With darkness and cold.Possibility has remained all along,Just difficult for me to be positive,To motivate.I ride stationary bike while readingIn little exercise room of Village,Go to Senior Center […]
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