
Category Archives for "Getting Help"

Life Balance

“Do I do this? Or that?” “Will I have enough energy to do it all?”
The need for life balance is a reality for us all. How do you embrace your passionate, zest-filled activity and still do everything else?

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Almost Rest Day

Unexpected find today: St. James, MN, Town with many biking trails
Wonderful discovery! After yesterday’s riding intensity, Today has been low-key, Pleasant.

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Report from Winner, SD

Within half mile, Realized what had seemed Too difficult, was manageable. Sometimes being in midst of situation, Lets one know what it is really like. Different than viewed from the window.

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Another Windy Day

46 mile ride: Started from Rushville, NebraskaElevation: 3740Wednesday, September 4, 2019Bob and I rode out together this morning—Out of Rushville. Nice to do that Seldom do we start day riding together.For 5 miles we biked on Hwy 20, E->W across Nebraska.Very wide shoulder, safe riding.At five miles, we turned off highway to adjacent”Cowboy Trail”, under […]

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Appreciating the Familiar

Four days in midst of one thousand women, eWomen Network Conference in Dallas. Hopeful, mostly energetic, present to learn, and to Connect. Best part for me: interacting with all that positive energy!

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