Do you prefer crowded rush, or slower pace?
We rode about 20 miles of GOOD trail.
Very nice.
I like being on lengths of trail;
Knowing those miles are my clear route.
Learning what you don’t want
Powerful part of choosing what you DO want.
Fast food breakfast to feed many quickly.
“Tim Horton’s,” new-to-me chain.
Getting out to beat heat as much as possible.
Prompting that early breakfast source.
Sometimes “the easy way” is NOT a cop-out!
Forecast of heavy rain,
Route with extremely steep hills—
Struggle up, rollercoaster down.
Decision was to shuttle all directly to Auburn.
What richness are connections bringing you?
Cazenovia, N.Y. is growing-up home of
Good Friend, Elizabeth;
Many years librarian colleague of Bob’s.
Her roots go back six generations here.
With that in mind, I sought out The Century House.
“Down” days can give new view.
Today I chose to remain off my bike.
I know that riding in the van gives
Totally different view of pedaled route.
Are you asking for help when you need it?
Four of our group,
Made sure I was on route today.
Putting me in “middle” of line,
Waiting at top of hill,
When I walked up.
Adjusting to conditions on the ground.
Well, we didn’t all ride 23 miles.
Stan rode the whole 60-mile route.
Super-rider, Stan.
Day was a bit complicated,
Though well thought through.
Today’s heat index, forecast over 100.
Training for this bike ride,
Should have been 50% daily walking up some very steep hill,
Pushing my bicycle!
Today’s hills were killers.
Even Stan, who is extremely strong,
Actually, strongest rider,
Talked about the consistent
Hills of 10% to 14% grade.
Bike trips have SO many
Learning Opportunities!
Self-Care is definitely one.
I get embarrassed to report that I didn’t
Bike ALL miles.
My after-lunch decision to get driven in
By SAG in van—
Very smart.
I rode with Susan, MG, & Stan.
Thank goodness! Wonderful help.
Being with folks who read directions well,
Know how to use a GPS on phone,
Got me here without being lost.
Whew, I hate being lost.
That can make me feel panicked.
You know that I think
Asking for Help is
Bob and I came upon a LARGE tree branch blocking bike trail. Off we got to move it aside. Push, pull, twist, — progress. Final need was lifting branch to clear post. Heavy, heavy, we couldn’t lift high enough. Behind us a voice…
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