My body and mind had conspired,
Which made me feel achy and tired.
I found that the best,
Was hours of rest.
Seems just what my psyche required.
Hearing “Bloops” can cause hilarity.
Answers one speaks with sincerity—
That don’t match at all,
Can even appall,
Lacking my hearing’s dexterity.
Have you had a time of “help-needing?”
When you thought you soon would be pleading,
For someone to do
A big job for you?
But help came! Your worry receding.
Have you had a time of “help-needing?”
When you thought you soon would be pleading,
For someone to do
A big job for you?
But help came! Your worry receding.
Hard work that you share is connecting.
Though sometimes you feel like objecting.
What you’ve gotten done,
Though not always fun,
Gets you to the goal you’re expecting.
My portion of this ride has ended.
The time that I’ve shared has been blended
With Hills and with Heat.
With good folks to meet.
My mem-or-ies will be quite splendid.
The ocean we viewed was quite charming,
The water was really alarming!
It ripped out the sand
From under my stand.
To stay, needed confidence-arming.
at covers your need.
When really your deed
Is getting some help with your brave ask.
Generous listening.
A few hours later, I’m feeling Melancholy.
Making decisions? — hard for me.
So many angles to consider.
Natural season changes coming soon,
I’m resisting.
Positive possibilities haven’t yet grabbed me.
In that way, I’m sort of a “Grump-Slump”.
Have you ever been in that spot?
Knowing THE SINGLE thing
Needing to be accomplished in a day,
Is probably my favorite things about a bike trip.
Pedal to the next destination!
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