As 2018 Winds To a CloseThursday, December 6, 2018Hello Friends, We’re into winter weather & confines,Short light, long dark,Grey hours filling many days.Makes biking seem something of Another time. I’m riding stationary bike,Attending exercise classes at Senior Center,Walking my condo building hallways,Which are ice-free, flat, warm.Being active in different ways. During fall I rehearsed with St Olaf Chorale,Non […]
Continue readingNext “stage” of our Northern MN bike tripSunday, August 5, 2018Hello Friends, This next “stage” of our bike tripWas riding portion of Willard Munger Trail.This trail is Lo-o-o-ng, Twin Cities to Duluth, MN. Our ride was thirty milesDuluth -> Carleton-> Duluth.Excellent resource for area,Many folks using trail,Even with very warm day. Trail passes through some massive cuts in […]
Continue readingHere, There and Everywhere: Virginia, McKinley, Eveleth and Gilbert, MNFriday, August 2, 2018Hello My Friends, These rambling reports may be delayed some.My photographer, dear Bob, is not able to send pictures Via usual way to web manager. Argh!! On scale of mattering, this is very small.We get so used to instant techno functions,I get thinking it […]
Continue readingGreen Bay—Manitowoc, WI: 52 miles(I rode 57… read on for “why!”)Tuesday, June 19, 2018I rode 57 miles. Have you noticed these days When I have been bicycling entire day’s mileage,That I have more miles than route sheet? It’s not that I’m striving To add miles, like Stan.It is that I get lost. I do get “found.”Yesterday a police […]
Continue readingMenominee, MI—Green Bay, WI: Zero biking milesMonday, June 18, 2018Arrive Green Bay via Mercedes van. Zero biking miles.Morning logistics a bit chaotic,No… just unusual.Bulk of storm came through last night. This morning heavy grey, overcast, not raining.Four guys, Gerry, Stan, Eric, Gene,Decided to ride.Ken prepared eight remaining bikes,For packing in back of Ford pickup vehicle.Removed front wheels, […]
Continue readingMunising—Gladstone, MI: 70 miles (I rode 35)Saturday, June 16, 2018(Column 1)I rode 35 miles today.Hardly any pictures today.Usual day disrupted by weather.Report at 7:30am, approaching tornado!“Stay away from windows, park car protected spot.”Wow, we didn’t want to be outside in that.Long restaurant breakfast,Stocking tummies, waiting out weather.Nothing.Back at motel at 9am,Skies opened with heavy, heavy […]
Continue readingSt. Ignace—Newberry, MI: 65 miles(I rode 41…)Tuesday, June 12, 2018Today’s ride was 65 miles.I rode 41 miles.The first thirty of those miles were wonderful,Not much elevation change, Excellent pavement, low traffic, Cool, sunny weather.At about thirty miles Left knee got so sore.At lunch stop / lunch on truck tail gate,I asked to put bike in […]
Continue readingTraverse City—near Boyne City, MI: 60 milesFriday, June 8, 2018I rode fifty miles.Total ride was sixty miles.Asked for “lift” to lodging for tonight,Which is Air B & B on a golf course.Very challenging ride for many.Hills, Hills, Hills.Stan with his Garmond device said 13% for one climb.Not surprising.I think we are cutting across all the […]
Continue readingMears, MI —Manistee, MI: 60 milesTuesday, June 5, 2018Today was a long and challenging ride for me.Five miles longer than advertised,Because breakfast cafe was five mile round trip out of way.AND … Nobody wants to miss breakfast!All riding was on small highways,Many hills,Head wind at least half of time.Hard Work.(I’ll happily get back to trails)I […]
Continue readingPre-Trip Rest Day(Milwaukee Public Library pictured above)Saturday, June 2, 2018Did I say before that I wondered about day offBefore riding started?It has been just right for me today.Walked to breakfast with other riders.Good folks, pleasant.All of whom have ridden together many trips withThis company BAA, or their local bike clubs.It is reminder to me,About groups […]
Continue readingThe Trip to MilwaukeeFriday, June 1, 2018I am underway, Launching arrival part of journey.Bob and I have driven to Milwaukee,Heavy, heavy truck traffic on freeways,Nerve wracking, exhausting, prompting frazzle.Not way I want to start.Then lost on arrival in Milwaukee!Arghh….Could be litany of “downer” experience,Except….In crowded midst of downtown Milwaukee,Pulling over to ask construction crew for […]
Continue readingSaying “Yes” to Opportunities Means Feeling the Fear and Doing it Anyway!Friday, April 27, 2018Hello My Friends, Biking outside now!Our weather Is warm enough—Clear roads, snow nearly gone.Hooray! Training outdoors much more appealingThan stretches of time on indoor bike. Today was SO windy.Bob wisely picked our route, First into the wind.Really hard work going out. I was thinking […]
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