As you listen with interest, beware.
Don’t let yourself slide to despair.
Sharing of stories,
Lows and of glories,
Truly listen, but Do Not Compare!
As I note this day called Thanksgiving,
My mind slides along with reliving,
Times smiling and glad.
Times heavy and sad.
Gratitude, with joy and forgiving.
An aspect that comes in Deep Sharing,
From words of one’s truth, no comparing—
Connection, so real.
Knowing that we’ll
Hold our shared time as “trust-bearing.”
If I really listen sincerely
I can get your message quite clearly.
Hearing exactly,
Not just abstractly
The real one; not one that is “nearly.”
Such great joy came out of a short trip—
Connections and beauty could outstrip
Some fancified plan,
Though of a short span—
The time spent was really quite “blue chip.”
It really is fun to have play time!
Right now I am thinking it is prime
To laugh and to play.
That sparks up my day.
Provides me with Fun and this right rhyme.
Available water is so nice!
Our hydrating option … iced twice, thrice.
With frost on the ground,
When shivers abound,
My preference is water with no ice.
Thinking about creativity,
Formed of one’s own sensitivity.
True beauty shows through.
Whatever you do,
Shows your particular artistry.
So, what is the story of your peace?
What brings you to viewing a new lease
On how you are true
In those things you do.
What fills up your heart, brings peace-increase?
And when we are biking or walking,
And when we’re creating or talking,
We learn as we go,
Some quick and some slow.
What route can we take that’s unblocking?
We all came together to celebrate
Marriage: an official “starting-gate.”
We laughed and we cried,
We were dewy-eyed.
Our time to joyfully congregate.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 What unique, colorful person/point of viewCan be found,If taking time to notice? Noticing, Noticing.My reminder to myself has been “Notice.” Opportunities for that abound! Most fabulous noticing was Science Museum, St. Paul, MNExhibit by Christopher Marley, visual artist. He makes art with creatures—Bugs, reptiles, all sort of natural things. Talk about making me notice!Those little, some little-bitty, […]
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