Next “stage” of our Northern MN bike tripSunday, August 5, 2018Hello Friends, This next “stage” of our bike tripWas riding portion of Willard Munger Trail.This trail is Lo-o-o-ng, Twin Cities to Duluth, MN. Our ride was thirty milesDuluth -> Carleton-> Duluth.Excellent resource for area,Many folks using trail,Even with very warm day. Trail passes through some massive cuts in […]
Continue readingNo Biking Day–Special EventSaturday, August 4, 2018Hello Friends, Today was wonderful!Important gathering honoring memory of our friend Libby Muir.You will remember that Bob and I crafted some bicycle tripsAround opportunity to visit Libby Muir at her assisted living apartmentIn Grand Rapids, MN. This bike trip scheduling has had “Muir Children Honoring Their Mom”As THE absolute given Aug […]
Continue readingHere, There and Everywhere: Virginia, McKinley, Eveleth and Gilbert, MNFriday, August 2, 2018Hello My Friends, These rambling reports may be delayed some.My photographer, dear Bob, is not able to send pictures Via usual way to web manager. Argh!! On scale of mattering, this is very small.We get so used to instant techno functions,I get thinking it […]
Continue readingMontana Next—Change in WY plansSunday, June 24, 2018Column #1Hello Friends, Home from bike trip means:Adjusting routine, expanding wardrobe beyond bike shorts,Being grateful, missing riding,Doing laundry as bothNecessity and centering task. Tomorrow, Monday, June 25,Begin driving in car to MT.My four sisters and I meet annuallyFor reconnecting reunion.This year in Bozeman, MT. Shared time is important,As sister age gaps […]
Continue readingRandom Lake—Milwaukee, WI: 50 milesThursday, June 21, 2018Fifty-mile ride today.End of this bike journey.Ride today was under overcast skies,Threatened rain never did more than sprinkle on me.Of 50 miles, at least 40 were on trail.Amazing connection between towns along Lake Michigan.Followed Nancy again,Got exactly to each turn,Excellent.Bob arrived here about hour after I did,Having driven […]
Continue readingManitowoc—Random Lake, WI: 52 milesWednesday, June 20, 2018Today I rode Fifty Two miles! like everybody else.I followed Nancy all day.Nancy is person who has set routes,Knows exactly where to go.Perfect.”I’m really a Whiz,At this bicycle Biz,If somebody else does the guiding!”Because Random Lake is so small,Not much for tourist touring,Bare bone motel.We were encouraged to […]
Continue readingMenominee, MI—Green Bay, WI: Zero biking milesMonday, June 18, 2018Arrive Green Bay via Mercedes van. Zero biking miles.Morning logistics a bit chaotic,No… just unusual.Bulk of storm came through last night. This morning heavy grey, overcast, not raining.Four guys, Gerry, Stan, Eric, Gene,Decided to ride.Ken prepared eight remaining bikes,For packing in back of Ford pickup vehicle.Removed front wheels, […]
Continue readingMunising—Gladstone, MI: 70 miles (I rode 35)Saturday, June 16, 2018(Column 1)I rode 35 miles today.Hardly any pictures today.Usual day disrupted by weather.Report at 7:30am, approaching tornado!“Stay away from windows, park car protected spot.”Wow, we didn’t want to be outside in that.Long restaurant breakfast,Stocking tummies, waiting out weather.Nothing.Back at motel at 9am,Skies opened with heavy, heavy […]
Continue readingMunising, MI—Rest Day!Friday, June15, 2018Rest Day!There was a time when Rest Day on my bike tripMeant…Cleaning my bike, doing my laundry. The two rest days we have had have beenPlaces with Nature tourist spots,Mackinack Island, and here in Munising, MIIt is Painted Rocks National LakeshoreCruises. I was not going to go.Then thought, “if not now, when?”Seeing sandstone […]
Continue readingManistee to Empire, MI: 58 milesWednesday, June 6, 2018Much better ride day for me.Today’s start temp was 38 degrees,Wow! I wouldn’t go riding at that tempIf I were home.Layered up with most everything I brought,And was fine.Especially since temp rose 20 degrees in two hours.Then it was “strip tease” time on road edge.Good roads,Good shoulders,Helpful […]
Continue readingMuskegon—Silver Lake, MI: 40 milesMonday, June 4, 2018**The Milwaukee trail in yesterday’s photos is Actually called “Hank Aaron” trail.I think my typo misnamed it as “Nike.” Today we’re housed in motel located in low area.I walked to top of hill to get message sent out. Funny standing beside highway,Trucks barreling by,Cell phone held to sky. Ride today was […]
Continue readingMilwaukee to Muskegon: 10 milesSunday, June 3, 2018What? Ten miles???Yes, that is our ride distance for today.Final packing this morning pre-breakfast.Destination down street same for all.We gathered, ate and talked our way into morning.Luggage dropped at SAG vehicle,Room keys returned,Now underway to ferry terminal on Lake Michigan.I rode with Nancy.Nancy and Ken organize, manage, run these […]
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