You know that I think
Asking for Help is
Positive start on longer ride-days.
20, 30, even a 40 miler this week!
Quiet bike trail.
Quiet ride “playmate”, Bob,
Pedaling under new-green fringe of spring,
Truly FUN!
Mine came from 13-year-old source.
“Seems big — but
Actually, just bunch of little things”.
My Birthday!
This weekend I turned 82 years old.
With that, a wealth of
Connections for me to cherish.
I was on my way out the door.
Office worker said,
“Thank you for your kindness”
“We don’t get much in this office”.
I had a dream I remembered!
Seldom happens.
Usually disappear in jumble,
Shapes, people, bizarre circumstances.
This hung around.
This time can prompt our noticing
Connection, similarity,
In simplest activity.
What group connection perks up your life?
You know the feeling.
Interactions that make you
Think more clearly,
Have sense of possibility.
What was different about Christmas for you?
This week held Christmas.
Whatever that holiday means for you,
I wonder if its essence was different this year.
What “spark” did you plan for yourself? Spark in my life—fun, spirit-lifting outing—a trailhead site in Houston, MN: Root River Trail.
Continue readingIt makes a HUGE difference for me…Wednesday, August 5, 2020Hello My Friend,When have you been with a groupThat radiates warm community?Pretty nice to bump elbows,Even in a Zoom setting,When one feels welcomed.I had that this week In several ways.Social-distanced connection With a couple of family members.Zoomed meeting with group of women.Masked visit with friend,From two […]
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