My “intention phrase; my “prism phrase” for 2022 is
So much swirls through my day,
Quickly and sometimes fleeting.
I’m from an era when Christmas cards or letters, —
Absolutely required;
Especially from Bob’s heritage.
Generous listening.
A few hours later, I’m feeling Melancholy.
Bike rides on the two paved trailsAbout 15 miles from home.Cannon Valley Trail & Sakatah Trail.Great finale for 2021 Trail pedaling. Different views show up sinceTrees and bushes are mostly leafless. Lengths of trail with overarching branches;Earlier appearing as leafy green tunnels,Now show “basic” structure.Like cathedral beams meetingAt top of ceiling. Are we like that?With […]
Continue readingNatural season changes coming soon,
I’m resisting.
Positive possibilities haven’t yet grabbed me.
In that way, I’m sort of a “Grump-Slump”.
Have you ever been in that spot?
Third week of October —
Blue skies and weather warm enough for
Glorious outdoor time!
I’m just back from speaking to
Great group of women.
Waseca, MN, Catholic Daughters —
They are my expanded awareness.
Another speaking opportunity this week,
Reminding me that there is always more to learn.
I “got” the parallel, that
Like bike trips, there are predictable parts,
Bicycles, miles pedaled, hills, weather.
My talk this week in Farmington, MN,
Engaged, attentive audience,
Giving me their interested response
To my story.
You never know when your web
Of connections will overlap!
Ride took us through “Park of Trails,”
In Rochester NY.
“Notorious for people getting lost.”
My good fortune—riding behind Nancy!
Not lost.
“Aunt Lin, you’ll have hills on your ride,”
Niece Elizabeth said in an email,
About two months ago.
Hills-schmills, I thought.
I can pedal up hills.
For a couple of months,
My total focus — riding miles, gaining strength.
Good results, I am stronger.
Effort well-put.
Riding one day this week,
Passing corn field, I thought…