Our rides are a fine celebration,
Of marriage as Life Education.
We’ve learned through the years,
With laughter and tears.
Arriving to this Affirmation
Here’s what I think can come of sharing.
We learn beyond that which is glaring.
We learn what we’ve done,
For cause or for fun—
We learn of our daring and caring.
I notice how often I hurry;
Passing by things in a flurry.
There’s really no need,
For dashing with speed.
Which makes what I pass rather blurry!
Reviewing the contents of each day,
I often pass over and just say,
“It’s really so small,
No meaning at all”.
Deserving instead, a big Hooray!
As guests at this big celebration,
We can make a true observation.
With vows that were made,
Their journey is laid
Laid out with this new declaration.
When someone is present to hear you,
Your story about what you do “do,”
Brings more fun and zest,
You give it your best,
Attention from one, or a big crew.
Wednesday, July 6th, 2022 When donning my clothing for riding, It is very simple deciding, Just what I will wear. It’s out of a pair Of colors; high-viz, they’re providing. Do you love simplicity, too? For about a decade, On Sunday closest to July 4th, Our church has met for that Holiday weekend morning service […]
Continue readingThe day we put in was a hard one.
Our internal voices screamed “Not Fun!”
Hang in through the day,
While making your way.
With real satisfaction t’ward outcome.
Bob & my trip west,
Visiting dear friends & treasured uncle.
Covered many miles,
Frequently “touched the heart”,
Put us midst dramatic scenery.
My “settle-in-salve” is connection,
With folks for whom I feel affection.
Wherever I roam,
My heart feels at home,
With shared time from loving direction.
Hard work that you share is connecting.
Though sometimes you feel like objecting.
What you’ve gotten done,
Though not always fun,
Gets you to the goal you’re expecting.
My portion of this ride has ended.
The time that I’ve shared has been blended
With Hills and with Heat.
With good folks to meet.
My mem-or-ies will be quite splendid.