Pre-Trip Rest Day(Milwaukee Public Library pictured above)Saturday, June 2, 2018Did I say before that I wondered about day offBefore riding started?It has been just right for me today.Walked to breakfast with other riders.Good folks, pleasant.All of whom have ridden together many trips withThis company BAA, or their local bike clubs.It is reminder to me,About groups […]
Continue readingThe Trip to MilwaukeeFriday, June 1, 2018I am underway, Launching arrival part of journey.Bob and I have driven to Milwaukee,Heavy, heavy truck traffic on freeways,Nerve wracking, exhausting, prompting frazzle.Not way I want to start.Then lost on arrival in Milwaukee!Arghh….Could be litany of “downer” experience,Except….In crowded midst of downtown Milwaukee,Pulling over to ask construction crew for […]
Continue readingFamily Celebrations and Root River TrailSunday, May 20, 2018Hello My Friends, Nearing June 1st Lake Michigan Ride start date,Training up to 40 miles in a day—Feeling ready for the adventure. Last ten days filled to brim with training rides & logistics. Best though, has been family connection,Plus the Lin and Bob b-day bike trip on Root River Trail. Weekend of […]
Continue readingBreaking News…Wednesday, February 7, 2018Hello My Friends,My exciting news:I have signed up to ride around Lake Michigan!Trip is June 1—21, 2018.It is set up by bicycle company created by Nancy and Ken Wright.Couple from Vermont sets up rides—Route, lodging, food, SAG.Doing all work themselves,Riding with participants everyday,Keeping costs down,And enthusiasm up!Daily mileage is in good […]
Continue reading“That Bike Lady” in WinterFriday, November 24, 2017 Hello Dear Friends,Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you!In case you are wondering what “that biking lady” Gets up to during off season… North Shore trip in November, A first for us. Before making reservation, considered if Just looking out at views Would be enough. Yes, was answer. “Next Big Thing” takes all […]
Continue readingThe Importance of Small StepsSunday, October 22, 2017 Hello My Friends,Responding to Autumn Brings widely varied ups and downs. Feelings swing between delight and longing. Though slow in appearing, Color blazes of autumn red, gold, rust Fill my bike ride horizons. Such beauty lets me spin miles So caught up in glorious views, Pedaling is almost unnoticed. […]
Continue readingArriving Perry, Iowa—Tomorrow We RideThursday, September 14, 2017 Hi Friends!Arrived Perry Iowa At Pattee Hotel, old, refurbished, charming. Public Library directly across street. Found photo-op with two young bikers. Tomorrow we ride the Raccoon River Valley Trail. Drove out to see High Trestle Bridge. Went at dusk. Nighttime glory of High Bridge, Blue LED lights outlining Rectangular […]
Continue readingThe Challenge of Life Balance…Sunday, August 20, 2017I’m speaking next Sunday, Aug. 27, 2pm at1000 Cannon Valley Drive in Northfield. Come if you can!**FYI, my speech has evolved this year—If you haven’t heard me in 2017, it’s changed quite a bit. I’d love to have you in the audience! Hello!Excellent biking on Root River Trail, […]
Continue readingReflections on my recent “Big Thing.”Monday, August 7, 2017 Hello Friends,Back home for five days. Tending to tasks, One-on-one time with a few, Settling in after three weeks away. Tour de Wyo offered me presentation / speaker-of-the-evening time. Privilege to share story with group, A first for me was encountering people from audience During following ride days. Often […]
Continue readingSaratoga—Riverside Loop: 65 possible miles. (I rode 39, turned at Riverside Info Center)Wednesday, July19, 2017 From Grumpy to Grateful!Alarm went off 5 a.m. Bonus half hour of sleep. Moved, Groaned, Sore muscles longed to stay in bed. Upright—bike clothes on. Off to high school camp spot for bikers, Breakfast lines, food ready. Pedaled big hill to get […]
Continue readingAitken, MN—34 milesMonday, June 26, 2017 Help When Needed!Beautiful ride today. Great ride temperature, Good roads, light traffic, Helpful breezes. View of lakes, Roadside flowers. All good. Returning to town, One mile from lodging. Bike sounds “funny / different”. For me, that is first indication of Flat tire! Stopped and squeezing increasingly flat tire, Guy on motorcycle pulls […]
Continue readingRest Day in Grand Rapids, MNSaturday, June 28, 2017 Day started with great saying on coffee mug: “Life isn’t about waiting for storm to pass, It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” Words for the day! Breakfast, laundry, clothes draped on bikes, Nap mid-morning. Really didn’t realize how we’ve run through our reserves. Special outing today […]
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